Tags Posts tagged with "you should follow"

you should follow

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I always love discovering new accounts on instagram that inspire me. For me personally an account to be perfect has to be consistent, have good and intresting content with high quality images and last but definitely not least to have a colour theme. For me Jacqueline Mikuta or known as @mikutas on instagram has all those aspects.

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You should follow @lioninthewild on Instagram

Kiara King is the girl behind @lioninthewild ‘s Instagram account. She’s a blogger from Australia, and after I’ve been following her account for quite some while now, I can tell that, not only I’m totally in love with her photos and the style she has chosen for her grid, I’m also kind of trying to switch my own account’s theme, and push it to that direction. Apart from the style of her photos though, which are mostly gray with pops of color, I love the kind of photos she publishes there. So if you’re into the same style she (and I) is, then you should totally go check out her account, and follow it maybe. I honestly can’t get enough of her grid. It has quickly become one of my favorite accounts.

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One of my absolutely favourite acounts on instagram is @thesundaychapter. It is owned by a beatiful girl called Angela who is an amazing Beauty- Fashion and Lifestyle blogger. Not only her content is amazing, but all her photos are also very inspiring and beautiful. I definitely think she deserves more followers, because her work is great! If you are looking for someone to get inspiration from then I would definitely check her page!


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