Cross-body bags via Sammy Dress | Shopping guide
Cross-body bags are the best kind of bags because they leave your hands free to do other stuff, and they’re less tiring than the other styles, like handbags or shoppers, not to mention still super fashionable. They’re personally my favorite, and I have many such bags in my collection, and I intend to buy even more. Today we’re going to show you our picks, from an online store, I’m sure you are all familiar with, which is called SammyDress. SammyDress is a must-go fashion destination, for fashionistas looking for super-affordable clothes, shoes, bags, etc. And when we say affordable, we mean super-cheap, sometimes less than 10euros per piece, but that doesn’t mean that they lack in quality. Actually one of my favorite bags comes from there, and I’m super satisfied with its quality.
They have so many styles for you to choose from, that the few we are showing you here today are actually a quite small fraction of them. These however are my personal favorites, but you can click here to find many more. My top pick however, is the bag you can see in the first picture. It looks a lot like the “jacket bag” by Moschino, but it’s actually quite affordable, and currently with 50% off at just €10.83 (you can click on the first pic to be directed to the item). It comes in 4 colors, black, dark blue, red and pink, all with gold-colored hardware. Black and red would be my choices, because they’re such timeless colors and go with absolutely everything, but the choice is yours. With prices like these, I’d be tempted to buy them in every color possible. Make sure to check out the whole category, and let us know which one is YOUR personal favorite. We’re sure you’re gonna love both the styles and the prices there. Happy shopping!