5 lifestyle Ιnstagram accounts you should follow

5 lifestyle Ιnstagram accounts you should follow

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Instagram is undoubtedly one of the top social media worldwide, as it tends to become something like Facebook. Personally, I admit it, I’m “addicted” to Ιnstagram because it is full of inspiration and also I explore fashion from a different perspective, as I’m expressing myself through my own posts! That’s why I’m gonna show you the accounts which have become something like an “obsession” to me. I can’t wait to see their new posts, due to the exceptional lifestyle that they present. Travels to exotic destinations, unique luxury items and individual fashion items are some of these which you are going to see in the following accounts:



parisinfourmonths: Carin is a blogger who moved to Paris to work as a photographer. If you have not already visited Paris, then you’ll probably end up traveling in the City of Light!


tuulavintage: The famous blogger surprise us everyday with her travels, as she explores the “diamonds” of each place and she recommends them to us!


stephbetravel: Sunny beaches, exotic pools and unique destinations around the world is everything that characterizes this Instagram account!


urbanpixxels:  Jacintha, a photographer and travel blogger, introduces us to the world of food with #foodporn posts that turn our appetite on!


somekindofwanderlust: Some of Andrea’s favorites are beaches and sunset skies, as we can see from her profile. Follow her and get a small taste of her full of traveling world.


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